Presentation to Planning Commission On behalf of concerned citizens in Barboursville Re General Shale SUP Thursday 3 January 2001 Our questions for General Shale: 1. How much land that you own in the Orange County area containing the Balls Bluff or other acceptable material have you not mined? How much raw material do you have that you can use for making bricks? 2. Do you intend to mine this? If not, why? If so, how long will it last at current and at projected usage? 3. Where else in Orange County have you looked for raw material - what type/formation? What results? 4. Will you guarantee that you would not attempt to expand mining in Barboursville - mining more land than currently designated, mining deeper, blasting, 5. What is the life expectancy of your current production facility? 6. How old are your brick kilns at Somerset now? 7. Would you guarantee not to build a plant to process the material into brick at the Barboursville site? 8. What has General Shale done in other areas when it runs out of first choice for soil? 9. Are there other General Shale plants that truck in this proportion / amount of raw material from off-site locations through communities? 10. How much water would it take to wash the 30 to 54 trucks per day before they left the site? How much water to keep the dust down? 11. Where are all of your other mining sites? 12. How/when would you reclaim the land here once you are finished mining it? And how would we hold you to it? 13. What are your site selection criteria? 14. How specifically is this site unique and what specific considerations were there in its selection? 15. This is another 15 years worth of material. What are General Shale's long range plans for obtaining more material in Orange County? 16. Was the evaluation of impact on local ground water provided by an independent consultant? 17. Who studied soil conditions? 18. What would be the procedures for monitoring ground water conditions? What would be the criteria for testing? 19. What would be the plan if ground water were contaminated by mining operations? 20. What would be the Hours of operation? What does "daylight hours" mean?. 21. How would dust be monitored? What levels would be compared to and what would be mitigation plan? 22. Would work at site affect surface run off? 23. How many years would site be operational? When would reclamation plan be started? What would be the final objective of reclamation plan? 24. How would the safety of the site be maintained, regarding nearby houses?